Thursday, April 21, 2011

A collections of stories written by the students about themselves

I asked the students to write about themselves by answering the following questions. We bound the collection of stories and they will be coming home to share with you. The collection needs to be returned the very next day, so that everyone gets a chance to take it home. I video taped some students reading from their story. Check them out!

Cruz tells about himself

Kayden tells about himself

Cam tells about himself

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I introduced Pablo Picasso to the students by reading "Picasso and the Girl with the Ponytail. We looked at pictures of Picasso's 'Blue Period' and 'Cubism'. The original painting that Picasso did called "Mains Aux Fleurs" was completed using only primary colours. I told the students they could use what ever colours they wanted. Their creations turned out beautifully.

Pablo Picasso - Fleurs Aux Mains

Learning about Picasso on PhotoPeach

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Friday, March 4, 2011

Mr. Blarney the Leprechaun left us mail!

There was a mail box in our room on Monday morning with a letter in it. A leprechaun called Mr. Blarney said that St.Patrick's Day was on March 17, and that we should write him to ask any questions we had about leprechauns.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Today we learned about the legend of the dragon in the Chinese culture. All the students received a red money envelop with $5 Bookbucks in it! We used chopsticks to eat our noodles, munched on fortune cookies and learned that most of the students were born in year of the monkey. What a great celebration ending with a parade to make as much noise to keep the New Year Dragon away!

Chasing the Chinese Dragon with our drums and instruments!

Grounghog Day Poem

Friday, January 14, 2011

My students have been working their way through the "Snowman Unit". Each one has become an author of their own story. A skill we have been building on is that authors are able to read their own writing. When it doesn't make sense they need to go back and make the necessary corrections. We discuss and review daily what a great sentence consists of; a capital, a period, proper finger spacing, words spelled correctly and neatly printed. We will continue to work on mastering this skill. Good work so far! Enjoy the readings.

"My Snowman", written by Tyson

"My Snowman", written by Claire

Where has Barnaby been? on PhotoPeach

Our traveling bear is making his mark this year. So far he has been on three tropical vacations and has been in high demand. Barnaby's sister, "Babs" has joined our class for our traveling adventures to take Barnaby's place when he is away with another student. Join us again to check in on their adventures.

Sunday, January 9, 2011